Friday, December 25, 2009

Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956)

The Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956) refers to a gentlemen's agreement that was signed between Telangana and Andhra leaders before the formation of the state of Andhra Pradesh in 1956. The agreement provided safeguards with the purpose of preventing discrimination against Telangana by the government of Andhra Pradesh. The alleged violations of this agreement are cited as one of the reasons for demands for separate statehood for Telangana.[1]

Agreement text

1. There will be one legislature for the whole of Andhra Pradesh which will be the sole law making body for the entire state and there be one Governor for the State aided and advised by the Council of Ministers responsible to the State Assembly for the entire field of Administration.

2. For the more convenient transaction of the business of Government with regard to some specified matters the Telangana area will be treated as one region.

3. For the Telangana region there will be a Regional Standing Committee of the state assembly consisting of the members of the State Assembly belonging to that region including the Ministers from that region but not including the Chief Minister.

4. Legislation relating to specified matters will be referred to the Regional committee. In respect of specified matters proposals may also be made by the Regional Committee to the State Government for legislation or with regard to the question of general policy not involving any financial commitments other than expenditure of a routine and incidental character.

5. The advice tendered by the Regional Committee will normally be accepted by the Government and the State Legislature. In case of difference of opinion, reference will be made to the Governor whose decision will be binding.

6. The Regional Committee will deal with following matters:
--Development and economic planning within the framework of the general development plans formulated by the State Legislature.

--Local Self Government, that is to say, the Constitutional powers of Municipal Corporations, Improvement Trusts, District Boards and district authorities for the purpose of Local Self Government or Village Administration.

--Public health and sanitation, local hospitals and dispensaries.

--Primary and secondary education.

--Regulation of admission to the educational institutions in the telangana region.

--Prohibition—Sale of agricultural lands.

--Cottage and small scale Industries, and Agriculture, Cooperative Societies, Markets and Fairs. Unless revised by agreement earlier this arrangement will be reviewed after ten years.

7. Domicile Rules : A temporary provision be made to ensure that for a period of five years, Telangana is regarded as a unit as far as recruitment to subordinate services is concerned; posts borne on the cadre of these services may be reserved for being filled up by persons who satisfy the domicile conditions as prescribed under the existing Hyderabad Mulki Rules. ( 12 years of Stay in Telangana area)

8. Distribution of expenditure between Telangana and Andhra Regions--- Allocation of expenditure with the resources of the state is a matter which falls within the purview of the State Government and the State Legislature.. Since , however, it has been agreed to the representatives of Andhra and Telangana that the expenditure of the new state on central and general administration should be borne proportionately by the two regions and the balance of income should be reserved for expenditure on the development of Telangana area, it is open to the state government to act in accordance with the terms of agreement in making budgetary allocations. The Government of India propose to invite the attention of the Chief Minister of Andhra to this particular understanding and to express the hope that it will be implemented.

9. The existing educational facilities including Technical Education in Telangana should be secured to the students of Telangana and further improved---

10. The cabinet will consist of members in proportion of 60:40 percent for Andhra and Telangana respectively, out of 40 % of Telangana ministers, one will be a Muslim from Telangana. If the Chief Minister is from one region the other region should be given Dy Chief Ministership.


Andhra region Telangana Region
B. Gopal Reddy
Chief Minister, Andhra State
B. Rama Krishna Rao
Chief Minister, Hyderabad state
N. Sanjeeva Reddy K.V. Ranga Reddy
G.Lachanna M. Channa Reddy
Alluri Satyanarayana Raju J.V. Narsing Rao

Friday, December 18, 2009

Obvious reasons for separate State(Telangana)

For Your Understanding….

Whenever the topic of Telangana is raised, many of us blindly support Andhra or Telangana based on where we come from. Not sure how many really think of why the demand for separate state has been there for such a long time. The 2 major reasons why the demand has been pending for so many years is WATER AND HYDERBAD. People around the state have earned and invested in and around Hyderabad so there is a concerns about the safety of the investment if the state is separated while both the major rivers in our state flow mostly through Telangana. Below are some facts that are few reasons for the demand. Sentiments can be foolish but not facts.

a. There are 10 districts in Telangana, 9 in Andhra and 4 in Rayalaseema. Out of these 7 districts in Telangana, 3 in Andhra and 1 in Rayalaseema are considered severely backward districts which means 70% of districts in Telangana are backward while in Andhra it is 35% and in Rayalaseema it is 25%. Apart from these there are some areas in all parts of the state which are also backward.

b. 45% of the state income comes from Telangana region. When it comes to utilization of funds, the share of Telangana is only 28%.

c. Normally canals are dug to supply water to the crops from rivers for cultivation. The amount of land cultivated through canals in just Guntur district is more than the land cultivated with canals in entire Telangana region.

d. Nagarjuna sagar dam is built in Nalgonda district which is in Telangana but majority of the water from the dam is used for Krishna and Guntur district. The original dam was supposed to be build much ahead of its present location but the location was changed so that it falls in the Telangana region. Due to the construction of the dam several hectares of Lime stone mines vanished as part of the dam back waters. Everyone know that lime stone is used for producing cement. Even the natural resources were not allowed to remain.

e. Fluorinated water problem is only in Nalgonda district which has not been resolved since decades.

f. Two major rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra enter the state of AP in the district of Mahaboobnagar(the biggest district in Telangana) but the district always remains the worst draught hit areas along with Anantapur because there is no project and process with which the water can be utilized. The plans for utilization has been pending for decades.

g. RDS (Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme) is build in Mahaboobnagar to provide water to 85000 hectares of land in the district. The leaders of Rayalaseems blasted the gates of RDS and water is supplied to KC (Kurnool-Cudapah) canal while only remaining water, if any, is supplied to the lands in Mahaboobnagar.

h. 3 TMC of water from Gandipet is sufficient to supply drinking water to our city. Every year 1700 TMC of water is wasted and is flown into Bay of Bengal from river Godavari. Starting from Nizambad to Bay of Bengal there is no project allowed to build on Godavari. If it is built leaders in Godavari districts fear that the fertile lands in the area may fall short of water. If the Godavari water is utilized properly, there will be no scarcity for food grains in our state.

i. In Telangana regions, only few areas cultivate one crop a year and very rarely two crops a year while most of the land doesn’t even cultivate single crop. In both the Godavari districts, Krishna and Guntur district, two crops a year is common and there are times where even 3 crops a year are cultivated. The only reason is WATER.

j. Government issue G.O.’s for implicating its decisions. G.O number 610 is the longest non implicated G.O in the history of AP. The G.O was issued in 1986 by late NTR who was then the CM of AP, which is not yet implicated. The G.O speaks about the share of Telangana employees in Government jobs in Telangana region.

k. 33% of the population in Mahaboobnagar district have left the district for livelihood to different parts of the state due to draught and majority of them are working as daily labour. No other district has so many people who fled the home place due to lack of livelihood and working as daily labour.

l. There are 25 plus government degree colleges in Krishna, Kadapa and Guntur district while there is not even a single government degree college in Ranga Reddy district.

m. Dairy development corporation of AP purchases milk from farmers across the state for distribution. For the same milk, in Andhra, the government pay Rs. 24 to the farmers and in Telangana they pay Rs. 22 per litre. Partiality is shown even in milk J

n. In between 2005-2008 government sold lands worth Rs. 20000 crores in and around Hyderabad which was utilized to build projects in Rayalaseema and Andhra.

o. Not even a single project was completed in Telangana in the last 5 years while several projects were completed in Andhra and Rayalaseema.
Not just Telangana but areas of Northern Andhra, Prakasham and parts of Rayalaseema are still backward. The state needs to progress as a unit. People are suffering across the state and they need a solution.

Nobody wants a split in the state but when the people of one region are constantly humiliated and denied of what they should be getting, such demands keep coming. Let us show maturity in understanding social problems keeping aside the sentiments.
Spend some time reading this attached file to know why need a separate state Telangana..

Why people are asking for telangana??????

Dear Literates,
Did we ever had a thought why people are asking for a separate state of TELANGANA?

If it were a will for power and money of few polticans (like KCR) ,would the struggle for separate telangana last for 54 long years?

where was KCR in 1969 movement when 400 students were fired by army?
Taking advantage of this sentiment, few political parties have tried to separate telangana and thus claim a hero status
and then establish a strong regional party.

KCR is definatly not an identity or icon of telangana. there is a lot of facts to be know.

History of Hyderabad state (Telangana) and formation of AP:

Initially, TELANGANA was a separate state with Hyderabad as its capital and was know as Hyderabad state, which got the independence in Sep, 1948.
Then, till 1956, The TELANGANA was an independent state.
It was free for 8 years before Sri potti sriramulu garu has fought to seprate andhra and rayalaseema disticts from Madras state.
later on some of politicains have merged Hyderabad state (Telangana) with other distircts and formed AP according to GENTLEMEn AGREEMENT.

few facts that need introspection:
Till 1956, the total Irrigation in TELANGANA was 20 lakh acres but now hardly 11 lakh acres.why?Is land in telangana futile?

If so why is there a agricultre output 100 % more in Nizam's time compraded to present day?
The tank irrigation in 1956 is 11 lakh acres, In 2004 it is 2.4 lakh WHY??

Though the Godavari and Krishna rivers are entering the SO called ANDHRA PRADESH in TELANGANA why there is no water for TELANGANA for irrigation? why is telangana in such a helpless condition.

Krishna enters the ANDHRA PRADESH at Mahabubnagar (TELANGANA), still the people in Mahabubnagar suffers without any water?

though more Than 2/3rd's krishna and godavari water flows through telangana before flowing
into sea,why is there a suffering in telngana?

Out of 900 TMC water of krishna only 100 TMC water is used in telangana ,rest being flown into Andhra.

Out of 1154 TMC water of GOdavari oly 100 TMC is used in Telangana.
If this water is equally shared ,additionally 70 lk acres irrigation land would be added in telangana.

0 % of srishailam water is used by Telangana.

Nagarjuna sagar originally was proposed to be built 19 kms into telangana,later on it was moved out and only 5% of its output is used by telangana.

Nagarjuna sagar and srishilam have almost 0 benifit to telangana.

Out of thousands of bore wells which were dig here about 700feets depth, works only a few hundreds.

Telangana population is 42% of AP population,only 8 % of Secretariat employees are from telangana.

less than 20 % of judicary employment is from telangana.

NALGONDA, Example of FLOROSIS effect, we might have studied in our books, but we never ever thought why?

People of nalgonda have Nagarjun Sagar near by then why should they drink flourine water?
JUST THINK.. Whats the situation of the so many projects Pochampalli, Ichampally, Devadula and almost 15 projects are pending.

BEST CM of AP,NTR garu completed the so called TELUGU ganaga project ,which supplies water to coastal andhra distircts and to CHENNAi when people of telangana are starving.
People often accuse that telangana has developed hyd ,what does it need more.60% of poulation(settlers) and 80% of property in and near hyd is owned by people of andhra and rayalaseema.

Why is that an ANDRHA business man starting business in hyd prefer to employ only people from ANDHRA?why is there a regional bias?

How many indusrtialists and promint businesses men can we name or see from telangana?Ramoji,GMR,GVk,padmalaya studios ,anna puna ,satyam and so many are owned by people from andhra .

lagadapati raja gopal has 10,000cr project to be bulit in hyd,prompting and agitating a fake hunger strike.

look at pulivendula,look at kadapa.

name a prominent place in telangana other than hyd(hyd already exploited by andhra most of its property is mostly owned by andhrites)?

vizag,vijayawada,kakinada,nellore,guntur are some prominent places in andhra.where as warnagal next prominent place in andhra is half the size of vijayawada,both population wise and economically.

look around in office ,how many people from telangana, are employeed in IT and how many are sons of farmers from telangana,when 70 % of our state depending on agriculture,do you think there is an equal share?

can you find any rich farmers in telangana?At least framers having 50 % income of what that andhra farmer own?

why is there a less employement of telangana people in gov?

Peoples say ,who stopped telngana people from taking oppurtunties,its not our fault.but as matter of fact telangana was already suppressed under feudal system of nizam's and was in needof support
rather than exploitation of resources.

If there was no discrimination and exploitation of resources forget about wall there is no need of bridge at all.
oo lirerates please educate your selves on these facts.

If you are from andhra ,do watch below videos and question your selves.

Why is a villan character or comedy charcter protrayed as a guy from telangana in telugu movies?Why is that hero's native place is from ANDHRA region in movies?

As you could see current fuss in AP,no one from andhra is atleast aware of above facts and more concrened about there properties in hyderabad.

They have a feeling of loosing something,as if lossing an oppurtunity,wealth ,then what did telangana loose in 50 odd years?

No body wishes a separate state if there was no reginal bias,if a region is not deprived.

Avinash Hyderabadi

Monday, December 14, 2009

JNTU Hyderabad-Reopening of JNTUH affiliated colleges - Rescheduling of university Examinations

All the principals of affiliated colleges of JNTUH are hereby informed that the
colleges will be reopened on 21st December 2009. The revised academic calendars for all
the courses will be kept in the website/Exam portal shortly.

click here for official letter

Thursday, December 3, 2009


All the Affilated colleges of JNTU-HYD University will remain closed from 4th To 18Th Dec.All the exams scheduled from 4th Dec are postponed.New Time Tables will be announced later...........