Thursday, January 28, 2010

David Blaine's Secrets Revealed:::::Voodoo Ash

However i personally salute this great artist in true spirit.

David Blaine's Secrets Revealed

1. Voodoo Ash

Effect: A name is written on a piece of paper on a notepad by the spectator, the paper is torn off unseen by the magician, crumpled up and placed in an ashtray. It is then set alight.

The ashes are then rubbed on the magicians arm and the name of the person written on the paper mysteriously appears.

Preparation: You will need a small notepad, pen, ashtray, lighter and a small piece of soap or wax.
Method: The spectator is asked to write the name of a person or favourite anything of theirs on a notepad.

Then to tear of the sheet of notepaper, crumple it up and place it in the ashtray, where the magician then sets the paper alight.

The magician takes the notepad of the spectator and should be able to see the imprint of the name written on the paper above in the next sheet of the notepad.

Looking at the pad should not be made obvious and some misdirection carried out while he carefully takes the small piece of wax or soap and writes the name on the imprint on his arm or hand (this action should not be visible to anyone ).

The magician can then take some ash from the ashtray and rub it over the wax where it will stick and create an impression of the spectators word to their amazement.
This is a great trick but depends on the magician creating an atmosphere with an entertaining routine and patter about black magic to enhance the effect and create misdirection to allow him time to pull off the trick.

thanks to rahul

Monday, January 25, 2010


Do u get irritated when acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document. There is a way to speed up the loading.

1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast
and almost as good as notepad..

Thanks to RAHUL

Sunday, January 17, 2010

one4all: End of an era: Left and Indian political colossus Jyoti Basu passes away

one4all: End of an era: Left and Indian political colossus Jyoti Basu passes away

End of an era: Left and Indian political colossus Jyoti Basu passes away

Veteran Marxist leader and former West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu died at the AMRI Hospital of multiple-organ failure at 11.47 a.m. on Sunday. He was 95.

"Jyoti Basu is no more," said party state secretary Biman Bose.

Basu was admitted to the hospital on January 1 with acute respiratory failure bordering on pneumonia. He was also undergoing treatment at the hospital for age-related ailments.

Born on July 8, 1914, Jyoti Kiran Basu's name was shortened by his father to Jyoti.

In 1996, Basu seemed all set to become the first Communist Prime Minister of India. However, the CPI (M) Politburo decided not to participate in the government, a decision that Basu later termed as a historic blunder.

Basu was elected to the Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1946, contesting the Railway constituency. He served as Leader of Opposition for a long time when Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy was the Chief Minister of West Bengal.

Basu's admirable eloquence both as an M.L.A and the Leader of Opposition drew the attention of Dr. B. C. Roy, who had a strong affection for this young leader though his stand was completely against the policies of the then State Government.

He led several agitations against the State Government and earned an enviable reputation as a politician, particularly among students and youth.

Beside organising the movements of railway labourers, he led a historical movement of teachers who were protesting against their meagre salary.

Between 1967 and 1969, Basu was the Deputy Chief Minister of West Bengal in the United Front governments. He worked under Chief Minister Ajay Mukhopadhay.

When the Congress returned to power in West Bengal in 1972 under Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Basu faced defeat in the Baranagar Assembly Constituency and complained about unprecedented rigging. His Party CPI (M), decided to boycott the Assembly till a fresh election was conducted in 1977.

From June 21, 1977 to November 6, 2000, Basu served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal of various Left Front governments. In 1996, Basu almost became of Prime Minister of India.

Basu resigned as Chief Minister of West Bengal in 2000 for health reasons, and was succeeded by fellow CPI (M) politician Buddhadeb Bhattacharya.

The 18th Congress of CPI (M), held in Delhi in 2005, re-elected Basu to its Politburo, although he had asked to be allowed to retire from it. On September 13, 2006, Basu entreated the CPI (M) to allow his retirement due to his age, but the resign was turned down.

At the 19th Congress in early April 2008, Basu was not included in the Politburo, although he remained a member of the Central Committee and was designated as Special Invitee to the Politburo. (ANI)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Revised Time Table for PRE-PH.D-MS EXAMS PRE-M.PHIL PRE, JAN-2010

The Principals of JNTUH affiliated colleges.

Sub: JNTU Hyderabad - Resume of class work of JNTUH affiliated colleges - Rescheduling of university Examinations – Reg.

All the principals of affiliated colleges of JNTUH are hereby informed that the class work resumes from 06-01-2010. The university examinations are scheduled from 18-01-2010. The detailed schedules of all the university examinations of various courses will be announced shortly.

The principals are requested to take necessary action in this regard.

click here to download the timetable

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CES: Show exposes incomplete 3-D TV products

EE Times

LAS VEGAS — In order to call a new TV "3-D ready," as many manufacturers here this week at the Consumer Electronics Show claim, what exactly was done to the unit in terms of engineering?

David Naranjo of Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, (center), discusses the company's 3-D adapter for its 3-D-ready DLP projection TV.
It's not a trivial issue for TV system designers, especially when there is no agreement among broadcasters on a single 3-D TV format and Blu-ray has chosen its own 3-D format independent of the pending broadcast format.

David Naranjo, director of product development at Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, said the the answer is a 3-D adapter.

At a pre-CES event Tuesday (Jan. 5), Mitsubishi showed off its own 3-D-ready projection TV, based on DLP technolog. It displays 3-D content from a Blu-ray player. Mitsubishi engineers developed a 3-D adapter for the company's projection TV. The board consists of HDMI 1.4 interface, Mitsubishi's homegrown ASIC based on MIPS core, and video signaling circuitry.

The 3-D adapter comes with "enough horsepower to handle 90 percent of all the different 3-D formats out there -- including top-to-bottom and side-by-side formats," Naranjo said.

. Naranjo said Mitsubishi is so far not selling its MIPS-based ASIC to other 3-D TV makers. While the endgame may still be having consumer chip companies such as Broadcom, NXP or Pixelworks develop a single-chip 3-D TV solution in the future, leading TV vendors including Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Sony have had no choice but to develop their own proprietary ASIC in order to design their own 3-D adapter.

Unlike other CE vendors such as Sony, Samsung and JVC, which have announced agreements with RealD, a 3-D technology company, Mitsubishi appears to be holding out on its final decisions for 3-D technology partners and formats -- at least for now.

Mitsubishi declined to comment further on its 3-D TV strategy.

Mitsubishi did stage its own 3-D-ready TV demonstration here using 3-D glasses that bear the RealD logo.

Naranjo said that doesn't mean the company's 3-D-ready TV must always be viewed using RealD's 3-D glasses, which feature polarized lenses. Mitsuboishi's approach is independent of 3-D format, said Naranjo.

"The secret sauce offered by all these different 3-D technology companies, whether RealD, Sensio or others, is in the encoding algorithm which minimizes the artifacts created by two images -- whether they are placed side-by-side or top-and-bottom." As long as the 3-D adapter used inside a TV decodes that format, "you can watch 3-D content by using different 3-D glasses, including those based on battery-powered LCD shutters," said Naranjo.

Mitsubishi's 3-D TV uses a DLP-based projection TV, rather than LCD TV. Max Wasinger, an executive vice president at Mitsubishi, said DLP offers better 3-D image separation than LCD due to its much higher refresh rate. The higher speed "reduces the visual artifacts," said Wasinger. Readying LCD TV for 3-D, "you need a minimum 240-Hz refresh rate," he added.